The book makes a clear distinction between "service" and "Web service" in order to retain a separation of abstract content and examples based on Web services. 为了保持抽象内容和基于Web服务的示例相分离,本书明确区分了“服务”和“Web服务”。
This book has corrected thirty-five errors when concerning Four Books Comprehensive Table of Contents Abstract and it is valuable for our learning and study. 此书在论及《四库全书总目提要》子部释家类佛籍时,在深入考辨史料的基础上,纠正其谬误达三十五处,为我们的学习和研究提供了宝贵的资料。
It ′ s philosophical sprout contains three aspect: the Book of Changes has showed the thought with the property of classification and system and has come to realize certain abstract philosophy in the specific image; 《周易》的哲学萌芽至少包含着三个方面:《周易》已经显示出思维的类分性和系统性,并在具体的形象中体悟出一定的抽象的哲理;
The thinking mode by adopting images is typical in The Book of Changes, which depends on images in the course of thinking, taking imagination as a medium and deducing an abstract conclusion by analogies. 取象思维是《周易》中典型的思维方式,这种思维方式是指在思维过程中不离开物象而以想象为媒介直接比附推论出一个抽象事理的思维方法。